Contact Form


  • You can request a return within 14 days of receiving your order.
  • To be eligible for a return:
    • The product must be in its original condition and unused.
    • The product must be in its original packaging, including any accessories or documentation received with it.
  • Return Costs:
    • If the return is due to a defect, the company will cover the return cost.
    • If there is no valid reason for the return, the customer will bear the return cost.
  • You can request an exchange within 14 days of receiving your order.
  • The product to be exchanged must be in its original condition and unused.
  • Exchanges are subject to the availability of the requested product in stock.
  • To submit a return or exchange request, please contact us via:
  • Make sure to provide the following information:
    • Order number.
    • Description of the product and the issue (if there’s a defect).
    • Photos showing the defect (if applicable).
  • Products that have been used or damaged due to misuse cannot be returned or exchanged.
  • Products that do not meet the above conditions may be rejected for return.
  • Once the returned product is received, it will be inspected.
  • If the return is approved, a full or partial refund will be issued within 7 business days.
  • If the exchange is approved, the replacement product will be shipped within 3 business days of approval.


Customer Support 24/7